Best WWII shooter I've ever played!

User Rating: 9.5 | Call of Duty PC
This game is absolutely incredible, and is a must-have for the PC. The game has a very realistic gameplay compared to even MOH. In the game, you start off as an American soldier named Pvt. Martin in a training camp. After you complete the training camp, where you will learn all of the controls and get the hang of the game, you will advance to the landing, which, in this game, is a parachute landing- at least with the Americans. With the Americans, you will experience city battles, defending cities, fighting in trenches and open field, invading a German base, and, my favorite, a driving mission.
Also in the game you are required to play with the British. With them you will, again, experience city battles, defending from tanks (also in the American campaign), fighting through a base (a dam to be exact), driving in a truck (my least favorite mission-different from the American drive), an air base, and invading a German battleship.
Finally, you must play as the Russians. You start off invading Stalingrad on boat, to take it back from the Germans. Afterward, you must invade an Apartment, a tank factory, and also rampage through a city in a tank.
There is one final campaign, where as the Americans you must fend off tanks, as the British, you must eliminate a V-2 rocket base, and as the Russians-you guessed it- capture the city of Berlin, ending the game.
The gameplay, again, is very realistic, and after explaining the story line you probably understand why. In the end the game plays out very similar to a typical FPS game, but the AI is much more advanced. Also, unlike MOH, the game has you fighting with a squad almost the whole game, rather than just being a lone wolf.
The graphics of the game is nothing like todays games, but it did come out 5 years ago, so I'll give them credit for that. The sound is beyond what most games do, with incredible music, excellent voice acting, and great sound effects.
The game is not as long as RPG games, or some other games, but you are probably looking at 10-12 hours your first time through. There are four difficulties, with the first one being very easy, and the final one, it takes 2-3 shots on average to take you down, and there's no medical packs, if that tells you anything.
Overall, the game is a great buy, and though you probably won't be able to find it in stores, you can still order it off of eBay or Amazon.
For those of you who are family friendly in games, here are some concerns. The game is an FPS game, so there will be guns and violence. But it's war, so that was obvious. There is blood in the game, but it is only visible in close range combat. I'm very surprised this game did not get a language tag, because it has more cussing than some games with less bad language. The game uses the words d***, h***, a**, and b*****d, with one mission having three bad words, and some others having two. Also, the word "bloody" is used in the swear form about four or five times in the British campaign, so watch out for that.