Call of Duty, one of the most inspiring war time, first person shooter game in PC history! Well except for Halo. LOL LOL

User Rating: 9.7 | Call of Duty PC
This really is a very inspiring game to all people whom wish to see limited bloodshed and shoot people at the same time. It is an instant classic with the 4 difficulty levels and ability to save at any point in the game. If you dont own a PC, i feel sorry for you and i think you're pathetic, but anyways this game is a definite but along with the others for the PC, PS2, and X-Box/360. I like this game because it is a simulation and a shooter at the same time, i got a B+ in history class just by playing this game, (LOL), seriously i did, (not really), no i did, (or did I???). Well its just a great game to play and i hope you like it.