To sum up what you are going to read below: This is the BEST FIRST PERSON SHOOTER EVER MADE!! Yes, i said it. I have played just about every FPS that's worth anything, and COD tops them all. Although the missions are linear, they are a lot more wide open than my former favorite WW2 FPS, Medal of Honor. The graphics are top notch, the enemy AI is great, and, for the first time, squadmates are not total retards. If you feel like going all-out Rambo in this game, stand by to get killed. Your computer-controlled squadmated lay done suppression fire, cover your flank, and actually don't just take up space on the computer!! Buy this game as it is already a classic.
Capitalising on popular genres is gaining in popularity - and WWII-themed first-person shooters are red hot at the moment. With their current and future popularity, Call of Duty has to be pretty special to garner interes... Read Full Review
I have just completed my fourth or fifth play through of the original Call of Duty (COD) as part of the COD Warchest. It, and the other games in the COD Warchest compilation, COD United Offensive and COD2, remain among ... Read Full Review