This game is brilliant. It is ten times better than any Medal of Honor. It is so addictive, and will keep you playing for hours on end. In Medal of Honor, you play by yourself and practically win the war by yourself. In Call of Duty, you're never alone. You begin as an American paratrooper on D-Day, fighting through Normandy. Then, you play as a British soldier at Pegasus Bridge. The last part of the game you play as a Russian, and begin at the Battle of Stalingrad. The Stalingrad level is amazing, with hundreds of soldiers running past and explosions everywhere. The graphics are excellent, and the sound is very accurate. Overall, Call of Duty is the best war-time shooter around, and I highly recommend it to everyone!
Capitalising on popular genres is gaining in popularity - and WWII-themed first-person shooters are red hot at the moment. With their current and future popularity, Call of Duty has to be pretty special to garner interes... Read Full Review
I have just completed my fourth or fifth play through of the original Call of Duty (COD) as part of the COD Warchest. It, and the other games in the COD Warchest compilation, COD United Offensive and COD2, remain among ... Read Full Review