User Rating: 10 | Call of Duty PC
Ok, right off the bat, i have to say i was really getting tired of all the WWII FPS out there, and then comes along this game. I picked it up because i heard good things about it and thought hey what the heck....and the fun begins. This game is one of my favorite games of all time, although im really getting tired of the WWII genre. The singleplayer is AWESOME. Some levels are short but hey, there are quite a bit of levels to go through. The fun really begins when you get to the multiplayer though. Thats the true reason the game is so good nowadays. It has WWII multiplayer to bash BF 1942 to the ground. The graphics are great and the sounds of the weaponry were takin from real life, so whoever says the sound is bad is dead wrong. It really gets fun though, when your playin a scrunched level on multiplayer with 59 other people. Now thats complete mayhem. If you are a fan of the FPS genre, or the WWII genre, then this is the game for you, even without the multiplayer experience this is one awesome title that anyone should pick up.