propably one of the best wii games ever

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty PC
i ll make this sort combat is ok guns are nice and reliable ai is ok great sound and great campaign some levels like the german destroyer is cool and leaves the killing idea puts you more solo but is filled with enemies that will ambush you, also youll be able to play with different factions and the game's size is cool and weapon damage too graphs were amazing back then, and now what i didnt like

the russian campaign suck especially than get to the truck objective wich sometiems work some doesnt and the russians that shoot you if you try to adavance slowly god damm it dont shoot me commie comrad and its long freaking campaign but luckecly you get us and british again later on, so i realise that i dont have much to say because i didnt find much bad points or good points eg there isn much of character dialogues to help a story go on!