When I picked up this game, I didnt really think this game would be played much after I beat the campaigh. But the single player was awesome, but also sadley short. Then, after single player I got into the multiplayer and found so much more to the game. Competing online is the most fun ive had in a long long time. This multiplayer ranks up with CC and all those other guys. With practice, you can join clans, learn how to play better, and most of all dominate on the battle field. The sounds, graphics, and feel of the game are great, and if you have a good graphics card, looks so much better on all high deatails. Once again, the single player is very, very good, but the multiplayer online gaming is the best it can get for me.
Capitalising on popular genres is gaining in popularity - and WWII-themed first-person shooters are red hot at the moment. With their current and future popularity, Call of Duty has to be pretty special to garner interes... Read Full Review
I have just completed my fourth or fifth play through of the original Call of Duty (COD) as part of the COD Warchest. It, and the other games in the COD Warchest compilation, COD United Offensive and COD2, remain among ... Read Full Review