An Awesome FPS, Multiplayer rules! READ THIS REVIEW!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.7 | Call of Duty PC
Were to start, call of duty is an awesome FPS. The multiplayer is unbeatable, better than Halo: combat evolved ten fold! It's just hard enough and the graphics are really good, sort of bad compared to COD 2 but they hold up. The single player is kick a** too. You play as russians, american, and british soilders and their missions are long, but they never get old. The sound is great too, the artillary has a ringing whooshing sound before it hits! The multiplayer makes this game shine though ten different game types 4 of which are played all the time. And always good low ping servers the best WWII FPS ever! The expansion pack lets you use tanks online! YOU NEED TO GET THIS GAME AND THE EXPANSION PACK IT RULES!!!!!!! Sorry for the typos i love this game so much i write too fast and i don't have the attention span to fix them.