I finally got around playing through the Call of Duty campaign and the game has impressed me very much !

User Rating: 9 | Call of Duty PC
Believe it or not, I have not played any game of the Call of Duty or Meda of Honour series yet, and have earned lots of bad karma from my fellow gamers for this.

I finally got around playing through the Call of Duty campaign and the game has impressed me very much. Set in the second World War II, you play key battles of the war (Storm of Berlin, Stalingrad etc.) from various perspectives. Sometimes you are an American soldier, sometimes Britsh or even a Russian soldier. The missions range from full frontal offensives to more stealth like operations, which all play only slighlty different.

The scripting of the game is marvellous, there are many things going on around you, not just your AI comrades and fellow soldiers, but events, which - despite being scripted - feel very dynamic - Kudos to the scriptes :-)

In terms of weapons, the game roots for realism and you are usually equipped with two long arms and a pistol/colt, as well as grenades. You can pick up your enemies weapons however, as it was done in the war.

Another nice tidbit is the ability to drive vehicles and use Flak guns. Driving a tank can be lots of "fun" (maybe not the PC word). Let us say it is rather engaging.

The game does a good job of pulling you in, the atmosphere is dense and chilling, appropiate for a game set during the war. You can literally feel the horror of the war crawling down your spine, fellow soldiers falling next to you, the grizzly snickling of the tank chains, being shellshocked and obviously, the music, which is usually played during story climaxes (giving it all a cinematic feel, good !).

Overall, this game is amazing and a classic first-person shooter !

Go play it !
