Call of Duty is One of the Best World War II Shooters Available Real Score: 8.2

User Rating: 8 | Call of Duty PC
Gameplay: 8
Graphics: 8
Sound: 10
Value: 7
Tilt: 9
Call of Duty 1 is the first of its incredible series. Not like other WWII games, Call of Duty let's you play not only as a United States soldier but also a United Kingdom and Russian soldier. There are about 26 levels that you will explore in total, the Russian campaign being the longest of the three. The last three levels you play as each country, showing the last perspectives of the war as they enter Germany and end the war. Moreover, there are many weapons to use, including, M1A1 Carbine and a Sten. You can only hold two rifles, one pistol, and a couple grenades. Throughout the game you will battle against thousands of Nazi Germans with your team. You cannot order your teammates or anything but they still are helpful. COD is not at all a tactical shooter as it is more like a run and gun for most parts. The only tactical parts are when you snipe, which in my opinion is very enjoyable. Furthermore, the sound effects blew me away for a 2003 game. The sound of your gun firing to the bombs being dropped from enemy planes is breath-taking. The voice overs are amazing as well and also you will hear the German's speak in their own language which is a great touch as most games usually have the Germans speak in English. The graphics are not amazing but is still great for its time. Overall, Call of Duty is the first of the series and it sure is a superb game that shoot not be missed by any FPS fans. It may not have next-gen graphics and sound effects, but it still is an outstanding game still today.