Every aspect of Call of Duty is so well done that it's easy to recommend to any FPS fan.

User Rating: 9.3 | Call of Duty PC
There have been a lot of WWII FPS games released in the last few years and most of them are on PC or are ported to the PC from consoles so there is no room for mistakes when it comes to making a WWII FPS. Infinity Ward has come alone and done what I thought to be impossible, put almost all other WWII FPS to shame with its action packed Single Player campaigns and its addictive Multiplayer.

The gameplay in Call of Duty is solid and you will get a huge range of weapons to choose from, all of these weapons are ether from the Stated, UK, Russia or Germany. All the weapons are fun to use except for some of the handguns.

Another thing that makes Call of Duty stick out from the rest is you will never find yourself alone aside from some of the British commando missions; this gives you a great feel of being in a battlefield. Still you will end up killing an unrealistic amount of Germans.

Overall the gameplay in Call of Duty is solid and most of all fun, if you are looking for a WWII FPS that sticks out from the rest then Call of Duty is the answer.

The engine running Call of Duty is the Quake III engine which is over four years old so don’t expect top of the line graphics but the Call of Duty just shows the engine still has some power left in it just don’t expect too much from it.

One thing you may notice is there are no shadows coming off your fellow soldiers or the enemy German soldiers as you play though the game but this is easy to over look. Building and objects all have their own shadows and the sunlight is very realistic, even when you look up at the sun for a short time the screen will blur a bit.

The character models or the look of the people is not too great, it’s very hard to see there expressions and it looks very plastic but the weapons all look great and the explosions look very realistic.

The framerate in Call of Duty is much better than most other games on the market but there are times in the campaigns where it will drop a bit but this is very easy to over look.

The sound in Call of Duty is top of the line, that’s all that can really be said about it, it’s that damn good.

All the weapons sound like they should and if you watch some WWII movies the reloading and firing sound very simular to that of the game. The voice acting superb in Call of Duty and everybody sounds how they should but there is one letdown, the Russian soldiers speak in English but the Germans speak in German so it’s easy to overlook

Overall the sound in Call of Duty is top of the line and maybe one of the best sounding games this year (2003).

The campaigns in Call of Duty are short but extremely fun and it won’t hurt to play it over and over again but at the end of the day they are very short but fun campaigns. But this is where multiplayer comes in.
The multiplayer in Call of Duty in very addictive and overall superb, because it’s using the Quake III engine Call of Duty works very well when it comes to multiplayer. There are a large number of maps to choose from and some great multiplayer modes. Overall when it comes to the multiplayer side of things it’s the best aspect of the game.

If you are someone who still likes WWII FPS or FPS at all get this game you will never regret it but if you are not to keen on the FPS genre then this most likely wont change that.