The west feels real in this blockbuster
This game was surprisingly good, to be honest at first i wasn't really impressed when i first read about this game, but after the first 2 levels i have been really blown away by this game.
The best part of the game is the combat, the game makes the combat feel more realistic than some games of the same type, because you don't have to press a button every time you want to get into cover, because the cover system kicks in when you get close to a corner or a box and it works kind of like Time Crisis because you just aim and depending where you are aiming you slide round the corner and over the box/chest high walls, which give you the maximum cover at all times. Which feels grate and just fits nicely into the game and action which doesn't slow down the action at all the guns let off a nice puff of smoke and each shot sounds brilliant doesn't dominate the sound like most shooters.
When the computer opponets hit the deck dust kicks up from the ground which looks fantastic and feels oddly satisfying, the whole atmosphere from the music and area is just amazing you get drawn into that world like a soft drink through a straw. There are 2 "free roam" levels that are good breaks, and through out the game you come across diffrent types of weapons there are 3 levels of guns (that i know of) when you come across new weapons they have a star rating and diffrent weapon stats and depending on which weapon you are carrying it shows you the stats compaired to the one you have in your hand, which adds a new element to the game.
Over all this game really blew me away i never expected it to be this good, i recommend you give it at least a go and if you let it, it will suck you in.
The only thing that could put people off is the enermy AI, they are like lemmings running towards a cliff edge but this time it's not a cliff edge, just bullets lots and lots of bullets.
Thanks for reading