Busting into the saloon and shooting from the hip, Call of Juarez is back.

User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood X360
Here comes Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood riding into town to have a shootout with the sheriff and other cowboy type stuff. You would think that Western games would make a seamless and very popular transition onto the home video game console, just like they did from the silver screen to straight into your living room. However, the games based on the Wild West have been few and far between as of late and have ranged from the downright awful, to just about passable.

There was 'Gun' and 'Red Dead Revolver' on the Xbox which the displayed graphics and AI of a baked potato, but even though the gameplay was verging on adequate what let both games down was that they didn't 'feel' like a Western. I didn't feel like I was standing in a circle, going mano-a-mano with my enemy waiting for the bell to ring to see who could be first to draw as the breeze blew the tumbleweed between us. They were, as I was, amazed that no-one had taken something so iconic as the Western and made it into a decent video game. All the elements were there: Guns, gals, deserted towns, Indians, those bits where you go into a Saloon and the music stopped as everybody turned around to stare at you...these were what made Western films so timeless and popular, so why could no-one make them into an enjoyable and immersive gaming experience? The creators of the Call of Juarez series set out to change all this.

Three brothers, two of which are cowboys who deserted their post in the American Civil War, and the other is the only one keeping them from killing each other, a girl...and gold. It may sound cheesy but through excellent and immersive settings, presentation and a long, involving plot line (with some individuality in regards to side quests) you can play was either one brother or the other, bring class elements with each character having different skills and abilities to suit your playing style. Sprinkle in some bullet time and a crazed military leader and you're in for a wild ride. Sure the AI is a bit rubbish at times, but you can forgive that. There are the shootouts from the perspective of your hand as it hovers over your gun so you can time it just right for when that bell rings, you better be the first to pull the trigger or it's game over, muchacho. It's by far the best Western game I've ever played, and a standout among the many FPS's over the years. I wanted a game that mixed the best parts of Back To The Future III and my Year 9 American West class in school. Thoughts of which take me back to my child hood, to simpler times...and Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is no exception.