Fun and immersive-do you need more?
After installing it,I realised that sadly because of my Nvidia GeForce 8500GT I could only run the game smoothly on minimum settings(besides the resolution).
But the game quickly grows on you. The first one or two missions still give the game a mediocre feel, but then the story "grabs" you in. You actually care about the main characters and makes you curious where they are going to end up. Two brothers are with whom you are going to shoot a lot of enemies,in different and sometimes superbe settings,such as canions or rivers.
"Call Of Juarez:Bound In Blood" gave me the "Half Life" feeling,because of such a good mix of gameplay,settings,characters,all of it building up an epic imagery.
But the game itself is far from being flawless. The aiming sometimes is difficult,enemies are not very smart but sometimes miraculously survive headshots and the physics are maybe 2 year old technology.
My advice is: if you like westerns,FPS and adventure,then ITS WORTH IT