Easily the worst game i have ever played

User Rating: 1 | Call of Juarez: The Cartel PC
For PC, this game is just downright insulting. It is the sloppiest, buggiest, cheapest compilation of development i have ever seen in my years of pc gaming. The production just looks so cheap and simple, there is no optimization, no polish, no effort to make the game have any graphic features/advanced options..

The in game text is blocky and cheap, the guns are bland and untextured, the gun sounds are cheap at best, the guns do not have appropriate rate of fires to their real life counterparts. The guns are not very accurate the hitboxes are huge.. The physics is terrible, your characters shadow is a still person that doesnt move, just a stick figure.

They try and sound gangster but end up just embarrasing themselves even more.. They refer to people as homes "whats up homes" instead of the correct form which "holmes" and numerous other mistakes which end up just making them sound dumb and racist.

If this game was a free 2 play i would still feel ripped off having had to go through the effort of installing it. It is absolute trash