Your better off shoving your fist in a blender than playing this game if your looking for some entertainment.

User Rating: 2 | Call of Juarez: The Cartel X360
To date his is one of the worst games I have purchased. Lets begin with the cheesiness of the voice acting and scripts. Its all spanish novela quality material. The visuals are horrid I remember my 7th grade Computer Graphics class yielding better scenes with much better lighting, The lighting is god awful. The controls are the only thing that trump the visuals in whats worse in the game it feels like your trying to control the Michelin man through combat. Overall it feels cheap very cheap I think their marketing campaign's budget was definitely larger than that of the productions budgets. At the end of it all it cheap game and it shows. There isn't much you can get out of this game but maybe some xbox achievements if you're willing to sit through the unbearable game for some meaningless points.