What da hell is going on ?
I played call of Juarez bound in blood few hours and found it somehow cool and new, especially in designing Wild West and good two main characters , duels , gun fights , wagon riding , things we expect in a western setting. There are not so many good shooters in old style gaming and this game was a good example to be fine. For some reasons, some of big companies brought their shooters into the modern era like call of duty modern warfare and Medal of Honor. All new modern setting could be fun if you know what you want from it. But call of Juarez the cartel fails in any way to do so.
Let's talk about the graphics first. It's a total letdown: disaster. It is blurry and rough. It seems you are playing a second handed game with low concerns about the way it looks .it is hard to build some reputation but it is so easy to ruin it at a glimpse of an eye. Let's continue about graphics. Characters look like graved from the stone, with no sense of emotions and sympathy. No deep feelings of clear motivations. Their faces figures are dumb, It seems they are just there to just shooting around and insulting each other. Guns are very cildish.in even average game we can see better guns that this. They have nothing to offer and I found no reason to change my weapons to gain better fire power.
When it came to driving parts, it became so dull, if you go in a wrong direction you will lose the game, you cannot use alternate routes or shortcuts. Just driving to the point which radar indicates without any imagination or innovation to do. Crashes are stupid and cars chasing you are all the same.
I don't know what happens to this game but whatever it was we have a bad game here. If you want to play shooter games , there are better shooter out there like Crysis 2 Home front .