Surprise hit of summer 2007.
Billy, a kid who is accused of murder. He mostly uses his whip, and has to stay unnoticed.
Reverend Ray, a priest, who in god's name wants to kill Billy, because he believes he's the actual killer. Reverend uses guns. Hardcore.
Unfortunately, the game's biggest issue is shown right away in the beginning: Billy and this whole stealth stuff. It's somewhat ridicilious that if you walk into a bush(which is basically smaller than the character) you are hidden,and not noticable for anyone.
But apart from this: the game really doesn't have any gameplay issues. The occasional puzzle solving is welcome, although it definitely should give more hints sometimes, because it's not always obvious what to do...
Reverends' levels concencrate on shooting, and damn, it's good. I wouldn't say realistic, but it definitely feels like that you're a pissed of priest. It's a BLAST running and gunning while quoting the Bible. There are duels too, but unfortunately, they're pretty lousy and forgetable. Should've been a little more thought-out, especially since this is a Western game.
The game's plot is pretty interesting, and apart from Billy's rare mistakes, the voice acting is superb, but unfortunately, misc characters tend to repeat the same things over and over again too many times, and although for most parts the music is great, on some levels it's way too repeatative. Graphically, the game is 2 faced, but for most parts, it's breathetaking. The draw distance is amazingly big, and the plants, the landscapes are like in real life. However, dark levels tend to look cheesy, and most side characters look like zombies: the engine isn't very good at modelling faces.
The game's strongest part is the experience. The missions are very diverse. In one mission you have to climb a mountain to acquire an eagle feather. Or shoot bunnies. Or get your hands on a treasure... it's really not just running and shooting.
However, it ends shortly. Although compared to the PC version, the XBOX360 one added a duel mode, it's really not worth spending your time on unless if you want achievements. I didn't get to try the multiplayer, unfortunately, so that might be good - I don't know.
Overall, this game is an amazing FPS, and you should definitely try it. It's not an ordinary FPS, because for most of the time, it's not about shooting.