Great graphics, voice acting, but another frickin' scripted out liner game???
What I see is a very linear, scripted out game that pretty much walks you through every contrived micro-managed action you are intended to take. While Lucas Arts' "Outlaws" gave you levels to shoot up (your way) and solve before moving on to the next, "Call of Juarez" holds your hand and and it's basically, "move the box, climb on top of the box, now jump through the window, now search for the gun, now go find some bullets." Follow the numbers, da-da-da.
I don't mind levels being laid out in a linear pattern, but let me walk into a town and resolve conflicts my way. Don't tell me I have to talk to the barmaid, climb though a window, search for a gun, get chased out of the room, sneak through an alley, all in that order and ONLY in that order. That might be fun, ONCE. But replayability is shot to pieces.
Heck, you'd might as well be an actor in a film, following the plot, step by step. There's no freedom in what could have been a great game.
When will dev's learn that overly forced linear gameplay ruins everything?