Call of juarez. yeah, kinda wish i hadn't heard the call.
there is a total lack of innovation in the game. if it's been in an fps, you'll probably see it here. they get the western period pretty dead on, and the environments are pretty, but the graphics will never blow you away. nor will the enemies by and large. the a.i. isn't very impressive.
the music is fantastic. that i will grant them. the mood is wonderfully created thru the ambience. but the interaction is severly lacking. wanna look at a pretty painting of the old west and imagine playing a good game, then have it. picking up anything acts like ur playing mist and that may be great for pc players who have been used to this kind of things for the last decade but console gamers are not. i want to interact not sit there and look at the scenery, or pick up a box without it 1- floating before me like i'm some uber mage, or 2- having the box completely obscure my field of vision so i can't take the box anywhere it might need to be.
story is unfortunately weak as well. billy candle is so much less interesting than the reverand. not to mention the reverand actually uses guns! amzing it's a shooter and the best part is the guy who actually uses his guns!! billy sneaks around a lot and sometimes has a bow and arrows...sometimes not.
there's no real feel of immersion in the culture of the old west. hey if you want old west fun go play ''gun'' for the ps2 or xbox, because everything there was done better than this.
bottom line is this pry should have stayed on pc.