Underated game of the year! Why?....

User Rating: 9.1 | Call of Juarez X360
I feel that this game has been underate by many a game reviewer, although the static character control is clearly visible and takes an hour to get used to the detail and the painstaking hours of gameplay and plot is enought to sell this game on its own without the multiplayer.

The game takes you on the road as either a mad gun wielding priest or a half mexican but dressed in an indian get up. It is 15 levels long each lasting around the 30 min mark so its short but sweet, with possible updates via LIVE service would see this game really take off

The multiplayer is easy and very well balanced amoung teams and characters, the downside is your stuck with the weapon your character has and thats it once your ammos done....so are you

This game is well underated and is well worth a good gaming session on even for the easy achievements that will make the fanboys grin from ear to ear