wonderful luscious environments, beautiful sound and heated battles make for an awesome experience.
User Rating: 8.5 | Call of Juarez X360
Against the judgment that i have received from friends, this game is one of a kind on the 360, its been a while since we've had a western ... (i don't count GUN). when i first went and bought this i was expecting a lot less than i actually got ... the sounds are awesome if you have a surround sound (i heard a cat and thought it was mine) ... the details of the environments are nothing too look past ... running through a forest with guys chasing you with six shooters was the funnest thing I've done in a while, and the prettiest. The gun fights are spectacular ... trying to find cover because your being fired on by 10 guys and then pop around a corner use the concentration mode and blast them all the hell in 3 seconds is awesome. Now i only played one game in live multi-player ... but from what i played its pretty fast paced ... so I'm not gonna go and tell you to buy this game ... but its definitely worth checking out