This game has the best online multiplayer for the 360 to date, & the single player is a refreshing wild west experie

User Rating: 9.3 | Call of Juarez X360
The good: Exceptional multiplayer loaded with great maps, gameplay modes, and fun combat. Authentic wild west atmosphere showcased with great graphics and sound. Shooting is dead on.

The bad: Climbing and stealth sections slightly irritating. Storyline is linear. The offline story mode of Call of Juarez starts off slow, but after the first couple of levels really picks up steam and the quality of the game shines. Fans of westerns will be in heaven in the authentic atmosphere and sound, and great graphics to showcase it. The story is interesting. The shooting is flawless. This game is like a cross between Gun and Call of Duty 3. The shooting and health system are just like Call of Duty (with some added "special abilities"), and the western atmsphere is prevalent like in Gun only with far superior graphics. Gameplay is great and approachable for anyone, with 3 difficulty modes that are actually labelled accurately (unlike some games like Lost Planet where "easy" is actually "wicked hard"). The controls and camera are great and cause zero frusteration.

Online mutliplayer for this game is AMAZING and the best online multiplayer for the 360 to date. It is pure chaos and FUN, with lots of maps (all good), lots of gameplay modes (all fun), and lots of kills every round. This carnage is pure pleasure. Team modes and solo deathmatch type modes are both available. You can play as different types of characters online with different weapons and abilities. At times it's even hilarious. Any fan of multiplayer shooters online has GOT to check this out. Most of my other shooters for online play are going to start collecting dust now.

As for drawbacks, there aren't many. Climbing and stealth sections are slightly irritating. Unlike Gun this game is linear, so you can't run around choosing from sidequests and just wandering the landscape. And the early levels are less interesting than later ones. But overall this game is excellent. Fans of shooters and westerns should not miss this gem, and even non-fans may enjoy this refreshing new theme that you don't see often enough in the shooter genre.