The Western in a way that you never saw.

User Rating: 9 | Call of Juarez PC
The first time I heard about Call of Juarez was through the own site of GameSpot. But, the review gave it a 7 and say some things that make me stay away from this game until one day, that I stoped and think "why a game about Western is this bad?". I mean, the time when I used to play "Outlaws", God! That game was awesome! So, this game couldn't be bad AND I WAS RIGHT!

COJ brings many old elements from the Western theme and mix with new elements, creating a unique game. Play it is like be part of a Western movie. Not a bad one, but a movie where the fans most like. All is here and I'll show these elements.

First, the history. You start controlling Billy, that is coming back home, after spend some years searching for treasures and fortune. But, unfortunately, he couldn't find anything, so, he's back to his town. After some troubles (the best thing that he know to do), he reaches his home and then... find his parents dead! Now, let's go back some minutes back in time, and we're controlling Reverend Ray, at the church, speaking to the faithful about the word of God and, suddenly, someone say that gunshots were heard from the house of his brother and that Billy is back home! Running like crazy, Ray arrive at his brother's house only to find he and his brother's wife dead (mother of billy) !! This wouldn't be the problem if, at the same time that he arrive, he see Billy running away, looking like that was him who killed his brother and own mother!

And this is how COJ begins, Billy running away to not be killed and Ray after him, wanting revenge! Murderer, drama, emotion, pursuits and a lot of action, these elements are all together, forming a true and complete Western history.

But maybe, this all couldn't be what it be without it's graphics. The engine used by it's developers was a perfect choice for the world of COJ. Huge scenarios and entire towns are created with it, including lakes, rivers, plains, mountains, caves, all in a single level! Also, all the details of these places are at details and all looks very natural, increasing the immersion of the Western theme. And all runs very smooth, if you use the right graphic options. Unfortunately, this all have a cost: COJ have a incredible huge load time! And I when I mean huge, I mean minutes, not a minute.

In my opinion, this huge load time is acceptable, one time that, after the load, you'll not see any stuttering or any other loading screen through the level, and, considering the size of them, I could ignore the load time.

And all this to possible the most incredible cinematic actions and the most beautiful and natural scenarios that I had seen through these years (ok, ok... I know that Crysis beat COJ, but, COJ is MUCH MORE smooth than Crysis, I had to say).

I can't forget one detail that complete and increase this immersion of COJ to ridiculous levels, called music and sounds. I don't know what happened with the compositors, but they were with all the inspiration of the Western, because, COJ music is pure Western. And the sounds! The sounds are amazing. Each weapon have its own sound and effects, with different shoot sounds for each weapon, reloading, screams, voices, the sound of wind and dust, fire, horses and the slow motion.

Yes! I really mean the horses and slow motion. They're special here. Every horse moment will be followed by incredible and breath taking moments of action and this time I not exaggerating! The bullet time, ops! I mean, the slow motion is a inherent ability of Ray, and is what imbalance the combat for the player. But, like you'll almost never find only one lonely enemy, then, is fine that you can use a lot of slow mo to overwhelm your enemies. Billy have slow motion too, but, he'll get only late at some point in the history.

Let's talk about the best of Call of Juarez, with the name of Ray. Ray can support a impressive number of bullets without lose heath points, because he uses a body armor. Also, he can use two pistols in akimbo, or can combine with other one handed weapons, like the small shotgun or a bible, or can hold two small shotguns or a pistol and a grenade (read dynamite), depending only of your taste or the need of each situation.

Probably, in most of times that you'll have to control Billy, you will wish that level could end quickly, so, you can kick some more butts with Ray. Indeed, most of the players will find that play with Billy is boring and can be a little repetitive in the tricks that you have to use. Billy can reach higher platforms jumping, while Ray can't. Also, he can use a whip, used to attack or to reach some inaccessible places. Actually, play with Billy became only really interesting close to the end of the game. I say this because almost of all of the Billy levels you have or must be stealth.

Some other aspects are the same for both characters, like the weapons, that will wearing with use until it stops to work. In some places, you can find bottles and candles that can be throw and shoot to ignite a fire on some place or in some one, in the case that you hit close to it or on it. Med kits are also in every place and every enemy will drop the weapon that he was using, ending the "wearing problem", one time that you have to stay changing the weapons through the game.

Ah! And I can't forget to tell about the most memorable moments from Call of Juarez! These are "the duels". In most end of the stages, will have to face a "boss" like, that will challenge you to a duel. Like the old Western movies, you and your opponent face to face will wait until the count ends and then, take the weapons as fast as you can and try to hit the other first. In rare moments, you have to face two in a duel or make a melee duel, instead of fire weapons.

Of course that Call of Juarez isn't perfect and can bring some bad points for it. For being a hard game, you will usually die some times, but, wouldn't be so irritating, if the game uses a better save system, with a quick save or checkpoints. So, if you're playing with Billy, and almost at the end of the level, you get cough and didn't save, I'm sorry, but you'll have to go back all the level and do all again!

I can say about the AI too, that, even being effective searching for cover, it will usually have a impressive and accuracy aim, that, even when they're behind a cover and just shoot with a one hand at a huge distance without know or without barely see where you are, don't get too surprised in get a bullet in the middle of your head! I lost the count of how much times I died because of this incredible aim, reaching the point that I was thinking that was impossible to go through without die...

This game isn't revolutionary or a masterpiece, or never become a classic, but, in the way that it show us the Western, it's what it need to deserve a chance to be played, and change the way that you see the Western.

#Revison 1#