This game is the best game on my iPod!
User Rating: 10 | Call of Mini: Zombies IOS
Call of mini Zombies is a very fun, addictive game! Once you start playing it, you can't stop! I think it's pretty cheap, like 0,99$ for a game like that? I would've bought the game even if it was 9,99$! There is a lot of zombies, maps, characters and weapons such as a flame thrower, a lightsword and more! The items might cost a lot, and it might be a little hard to earn that much of money, but that's what makes you keep playing. Sadly there is no multiplayer mode, but there is game center, they might add multiplayer mode in the future updates because a lot of people want that option. This game is very challenging, wich is good because everyone loves a little challenge! Also, this game is in 3D, plus the maps are very cool, specially the Parking lot map because you can go upstairs and all.I totally recommend this game, but remember, once you start playing, you won't be able to stop!