Unless you like boring, unchallenging fetch quests and minigames, this game is not for you.
Now, what this game is supposed to be is a cross between a fetch quest game and a game like Wario Ware, with a bunch of Minigames to play (15, to be precise). Of course, as interesting (well, sorta) as it may sound, it's really not all that great.
The story in the game is rather simple: The game begins with Lumpus talking to Lazlo (Via ingame chat, no cutscene or slideshow) about his dream of winning the Leaky Lake Games trophy, and how it is nothing BUT a dream, thanks to Lazlo and his two friends, Raj and Clam. Of course, he still offers you a chance at being part of the LLG, if only you meet his strict requirements. This is where your game begins, and after that simple intro, you will soon find yourself doing your first fetch quest. At first, one could tolerate it, since it's only the first part of the game. After a while, though, it starts to get a little annoying. Then it just gets annoying, because before and/or after every minigame, you have to do a fetch quest. It wouldn't be so bad if there was some challenge to it (like baddies and traps to spice things up a bit), but there isn't any at all. I mean it, I really do. In fact, all you have to do is follow the arrow to where the item is, thus making it so easy, it's dull.
Of course, it's worth it after you get to finally play a minigame. A shame that most of them hardly have any difficulty and/or are not very entertaining. For example, the first minigame you play is Hot Lava, where you have to jump from platform to platform back and forth until you done enough laps. It may sound hard, but in truth it's really not (to me, anyways). Now, I know this game was aimed at young gamers, but I have a feeling that even THEY won't enjoy this game much, due to all the boring fetch quests and the really simple and often dull minigames.
After you complete your first fetch quest and minigame, you return to the Jelly Bean cabin and swap to another Bean Scout. Throughout the game, you will get to play as each of the Jelly Bean Scouts, swapping every time after you compete a minigame and whatever fetch quests you were asked to do. When you start, you play as Lazlo, then Raj, then Clam, and then it starts all over again with Lazlo. This order repeats throughout most of the game, swapping in the same order so that all the Jelly Bean Scouts have a turn to run around looking for junk and partaking in an event of some sort. Besides their personalities, they don't really have any special abilities in the game that could make things more interesting. All they can do is walk from place to place, doing MORE fetch quest and playing minigames.
Speaking of personality, it is interesting to note that whenever you talk to most of the characters just for the heck of it, and not doing it to advance the story, they don't really seem to show much personality. Most of them share the same text, like "Gee, you might want to look somewhere else," or "I need clean underwear". This makes even randomly chatting with someone at camp a bore, since they never have anything interesting or funny to say.
Besides the dull fetch quest and minigames, there is also a minor problem where one might have trouble entering a door sometimes, which isn't a big deal, but still, I find it annoying when I want to leave or enter the Jelly Bean cabin, but can't unless I do it just right. Otherwise, I just bump into the door.
Other than dull gameplay, the game does have some good parts. Control works fine at least.
The music is also nice and fitting. Each of the Jelly Bean Scouts even have their own theme BG that plays while you are playing as them (although in some places of camp, the BG never changes, no matter who you play as).
And the sound in the game is clear and cartoony, which is nice to know they put effort into the sound effects.
As for graphics, they are also well made and cartoony, the art style just like the cartoon series it was based on.
Of course, another downside is the game is rather short. Took me only ONE day to win it.
So, yeah, I pretty much covered everything here, so know let's get to the point:
Camp Lazlo: Leaky Lake Games is, well, a fair looking and nice sounding game, but not a fun one. Unless you enjoy dull junk hunts and simple minigames, this game isn't for you. Even fans of the show should really go and look for something better, unless you really don't care about fun gameplay.
And that's a wrap, friends. I hope you found this review helpful.