Before the Call of Duty series there was Cannon Fodder!
I love the Music, the little men lining up to go to war, seeing all those crosses appear on the hills!
It starts of easy (as all games do) but by the end of it you will be spending hours on just one level, trying like hell to beat it. You will finally one day finish and you'll throw your hands up in the air and shout "I did it!"
i must admit, i played this way back in 1993 and even now though i have been a gamer fo a good 28 years, i can honestly say that this is an iconic piece of gaming.
You can find it nowadays on the net for free download. it should be a game that all gamers should know!
You walk your squad out in a line, watching for tripwires, you send a man to flank the west side and then send another two up the east side, then you let the reamaing two run for it and open fire, throwing grenades at the houses, automatic suppressing fire from your sides, you blow them all to hell!