So the game gives you a series of missions, like 54 or something in total and each mission is effectivley to wipe out the enemy buildings and troops which spawn infinetly until you destroy the buildings. During each mission you are given a set number of troops to carry out said mission who follow each other in a line, all shoot at the same time and who all die the same way :)
It is a point and click affair, one button is move, 1 button is shoot, the last button is special (Grenade, Rocket Launcher) and you move the cursor which is the direction they face you click to move, they move, and you can move the cursor around and they shoot towards the cursor, get it?
So during these missions the troops all have names, Jools, Jops etc and you are given 2 troops right at the start. If they survive the first mission they go to the next and so on. Each mission after that increases your troop quantity per mission to up to 7-8 i think so that you end up with 8 guns firing. Every time they surive a mission, they get promoted, each promotion gives them faster rates of fire from private all the way up to 4 star general, which is about 20 promotions.
If a trooper dies he is replaced with somebody from boot hill, which is a screen you see at the start of every mission that is these series of hills with a long line of people queing up to get in the back of the truck to take them to war.........they wait alongside your graveyard which slowly fills up with graves from your dead troops, a better grave for a better rank.
Oh on a sidenote, ifa trooper is injured they lie on the ground making a shouting noise until they die from their wounds or until you put a bullet into them. This is true for the enemy also, so either, put them out of thier misery or let them suffer!
Their are vehicles available also, ranging from jeeps, tanks, snow mobiles, helicopters for transport or helicopters with rocket launcers on. I have had great fun tearing around in a jeep with a machine gun on the back only to drive into the path of a rocket and have an entire team wiped out!! 0_O
You can split your troopers into teams and leave them to gaurd a certain area, firing on anything that moves while you go to secure parts of the map. Just beware that maybe the screams of something getting injured is perhaps your favourite trooper that you left behind to guard a section.
R.I.P. Jools R.I.P. Jops (hehe)