One of the better retro compilations for the PSP, but not without it's faults...
It was a refreshing change to see this appearing from DE in the wake of their previous embarrassment. Having clearly seen Namco Museum Battle Collection in action, CCER seems to be an attempt by DE to show that they have learned from their mistakes and are willing to put up a decent show this time.
And by jove, they've almost done it. The frontend, while not spectacular, looks fine and offers a wide variety of remixed music and concept artwork for each of the twenty games on show - provided you can unlock it by completing various tasks in the games, of course.
The selection of games is solid enough, with the exception of a few turkeys (Avengers and Street Fighter the First immediately come to mind) are all extremely playable and good fun, even if a considerable number are not instantly recognisable classics. The implementation of each is also solid enough, with the exception of Block Block, whose analog paddle is imitated poorly by the PSP's analog nub, with digital control zooming the bat from one side of the screen to the other, almost incontrollably.
All in all, a great collection, which is only likely to be exceeded by Reloaded, the next in the series!