Too bad.
First off, I want to say that this game is a really great concept, a Capcom only crossover team based fighting game, except there are very few things that I like this game for.
1. The fact that it is a Capcom only crossover team based fighting game bringing characters from Darkstalkers, Red Earth, 3 Street Fighter games and a brand-spanking-new character making her debut in this game who is very similar to rose.
2. The fact that after you win a match, it brings up the option for you to choose whether you want to fight the next round with the character who won the match or the other character you choose with either both punches or both kicks at the same time. Capcom should use that if they plan to make Capcom Vs. SNK 3. (Hopefully)
3. Good endings.
That's it.
Here's what I hate about it.
1. Graphics are absolutely horrible. Not even on the PSone is there an excuse for graphics to be this bad, especially a game with so little content. That's all I have to say.
2. Speaking of little amount of content, the fact that it only has 23 characters in it, even though it contains characters from five different Capcom games, plus the brand new debut making Ingrid, originally from the cancelled Capcom Fighting All-Star's. It doesn't really help that there aren't that many modes of play, also, and nothing in the way of "extras".
3. Speaking of the extra small roster, each character uses their moveset, super meter guage and sprites from the game they were taken out of. Ryu and Guile, for example, use Super SF II Turbo, even though they are the only exception and use their Capcom Vs. SNK sprites, Alex and Chun-Li use SFIII moves and sprites, etc. Ingrid, although brand new, uses a SFAlpha type sprite, however, and actually uses her own guage. This makes me wonder why they didn't just have all the characters use that guage, and an "Evolution" style gameplay/graphics engine, like they did with Capcom Vs. SNK. I guess my beloved Capcom was just too lazy to add more to the huge rostor of 23 characters and thought that it would be a "fan-pleaser" if they use the whole "Same as the game they were taken out of" thing as an excuse for not revamping the game and making it balanced.
4. This game makes you wanna rip your ears off. Not only do the sound effects sound recycled, because they are, the soundtrack doesn't fit a fighting game, not that I don't like the songs, they just don't fit in a fighting game like they should, and I thought that the Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 soundtrack was completely terrific, that's a bad thing Capcom. Just muffled and hard on the ears.
Capcom just needs to up the character selection and content, use an advanced graphics/gameplay engine, write a better soundtrack and replenish the sound effects and voices, and balance the game by taking out the fact that all characters use the same moveset, super meter guage, and sprites from the game they came out of.
This game won't please anyone or keep them comming back for more. Don't waste your time or money.