a pretty good game, the graphics were good, the impact was good but, the presentation sucked. like really how can u put such a bad background for the back. they should at least make it look decent instead of something that a 7 year old can do. the biggest problem of them all is THE CHARACTERS!!!!! goddddddddd. what kind of crap of a roster is that. u shouldve at least, at least brought 10 characters from each series..... but no u play cheap, and say fighting evolution with these crap characters. but the game is solid. i guess u can just over look it, but they shouldve at least had Ken. why did they not have ken. is like all of capcom fans favorite or most memorable player. comeon capcom, dont u know what the fans want.
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Imagine this: Street Fighter’s II’s Ryu Ina fist cuffs with Street Fighter II’s Chun-LI. How about Darkstalker’s Felicia vs. Street Fighter Alpha’s Rose? Or how about the character’s of Red Earth VS. Ingrid, the newest 2... Read Full Review
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