It’s fan service as anyone can see, but for all, there isn’t much to keep you coming back.
Capcom Fighting Evolution is a 2d fighting game where you try to win 2 out of three times in a match. The game’s twist on this concept is that you select two characters instead of the usual one. It’s sort of a tag system, but really not. You can’t tag out in or out during a fight, or use tag team moves of any sorts. You basically choose who fights what before the match starts, and that’s pretty much it. Your opponent (cpu or human) won’t know who will start on your team at the star of the match, so a surprise element is there.
The character’s from each universe use their fighting style and system from those games with only a couple minor twists or example. Chun Li, from street fighter III, can parry incoming attacks by tapping forward on the D pad, plus use multiple super moves in a match. Regardless of the seemingly different styles, the game is, for the most part, balanced.
The game’s modes are very plain. There’s vs. mode, arcade mode, and training. That’s it. The lack of modes, and variety, plus the “sampler” style of character roster from the series involved leads to a lot of disappointment, and lack of replayability.
The game’s graphics are recycled from each of the games as well as voices and sounds. The characters are a direct port from each game they represent. The music and background sound are pretty generic.
Now Capcom Fighting Evolution isn’t bad, broken, or terrible by any means. It does it’s job, and is fun for a bit. You’ll love playing as character’s from the Darkstalker’s series especially, and like the over the top character’s from Red Earth as well, since for most players, it’ll be the first time playing as any Red Earth Character.
Capcom fighting Evolution is just very…basic in the end product. Capcom could have went a few more miles with this game. They could have updated the artwork, mad better music, more game modes, more characters from the series involved, but they decided not too. It’s just really sad. After a few hours you’ll probably put this down and play your other 2D fighters much more then this title. It’s really worth only to the hardcore classic players out there, but even still, it could have been done much better.