Capcom Fighting Evolution, is not bad, but not good either.

User Rating: 6.5 | Capcom Fighting Evolution PS2
Darkstalkers, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter III, Street Fighter Alpha, and Red Earth have been mixed together in a capcom-only crossover, and it is a mixed bag. The game has 4 characters which represent each game series, like Yun, Alex, Chun-li, and Urien in Street Fighter III, For example, so however, there is one new playable fighter: Ingrid, who also appeared in SFA3 Max, and 2 boss characters which are Shin Akuma and Pyron. However, this game is kinda disappointing with the roster, No Ken, No Sagat, No Fei-Long Or R.Mika, they were only in the stage backgrounds and endings. Anyways, the game is played in a 2 on 2 tag team match, after winning a round, you get to change your character by pressing both kick or punch buttons, the controls are good, and the graphics look pretty good, but there are few modes of play, and i like the music, its kinda catchy, and there is endings which look pretty cool in terms of artwork, but i have played all of this stuff before, and however, this game is not terrible, but not good either. and i dont like the fact how they re-used sprites, shouldn't they draw new ones? like ingrid has her own new sprite. on the other hand, shin akuma has been ripped from cvs2. but this game is okay as a buy, but good as a rent.