You'll find few who'll argue with the fact that having an online fighting game is a big deal. With arcades dying out, the future of fighting game competition seems to be online. And for the most part, the Xbox Live-enhanced version of Capcom vs SNK 2 handles online play well. It certainly does it better than any other attempt of making an online fighter in the past, both legally and illegally. The menu screens feel tacked on and bleak here but that's no big deal. At first it seems like there's few games going on at a time, but if you host a game, someone will challenge you shortly. The competition here is solid and will put up a fight. Lag is extremely rare. There's also the benefit of voice chat. The rankings are messed up, however, and it doesn't seem to make sense how exactly they determine worldwide rankings here. The other issue here is with controls. Both Xbox controllers, as great as they are for other games, stink for Capcom vs SNK 2. You will have a tough time executing moves that otherwise can be done on command with an arcade stick or Dual Shock thanks to the messed up d-pads. The original Xbox Controller's odd shaped buttons and Controller S's 4-button layout/shoulder buttons aren't meant for this type of game. So if you want the sweet bounty of online gaming, you'll have to overcome this major obstacle first. Don't bother trying EO mode - it just plain sucks. Other than that, you're getting the same game you played 2+ years ago on the PS2 and arcade. Some 50 fighters from Capcom and SNK games and the innovative ratio system returns(you can choose to have 1 to 3 fighters, and 4 ratio points divided amongst them. Each point makes a character stronger but each character must have at least one.) The game boasts multiple grooves that represent fighting systems from past games (for example, C groove represents the SFA 3-tiered super meter system.) Capcom vs SNK 2 is a solid game on its own, and a good choice to bring online. If you're craving for some competition (there's no bragging rights in beating close friends and relatives) then this is the way to go. But a warning - the people who play on XBL are very tough for the most part.
Other Helpful Reviews for Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO: Millionaire Fighting 2001
:Good Idea: ·The graphics are cool. They animations are sweet and the colors are vivid with life. This is one of the best looking 2D fighting games. ·Huge cast of characters to play with, inlcuding all of your favorite... Read Full Review
The Review Deck pretty much tells it all. I really did love playing this game with my brother and his friends for the longest time. It was so fun because for once in my life I was good at a Street Fighter game. I had nev... Read Full Review