Takes what SNK did for 10 years and is better at it.
User Rating: 9.4 | Capcom vs. SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001 (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
This game is truly amazing. The gameplay is absolutely fluid and the visuals are bright and vibrant, plus the soundtrack and the voice acting is perfectly fitted for the stages and characters. Speeking of the characters, the cast is absolutely huge with a roster of 48 characters including classic favorites like Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter to lesser known characters like Kyosuke from Rival Schools, and the SNK side is just as awesome with characters like Kim and Terry from King of Fighters and Haomaru from Samurai Showdown, and the boss characters, Orochi Iori, Evil Ryu, Ultimate Rugal and Shin Akuma are awesome, although really cheep. The controls are responsive and quick, plus the 6 available Grooves, the 2 Grooves you can make in Groove Edit Mode, and the Color Edit mode allow the replay value to skyrocket. You also have the choice of 3 different gameplay types in Arcade and Versus. They are Normal Ratio match which is like in the Arcades, 3 on 3 where the ratio system is thrown away and you half to pick 3 characters, all of which are evenly balanced, one on one, you can guess, and the hidden Boss Battle Mode where only bosses challenge you, plus in versus mode you can save any match at the end and watch them in Replay mode. The two survival modes are awesome, Infinite where the amount of challangers never ends and All Survival, it works like one on one, except instead of 9 randomly chosen characters, you have to fight all of the characters with the bosses at the end in a survival style. The options in this game are gargantuan, especially when thrown in the Extra Options. The best version of the game is on PS2, the XBOX and GameQube controlers are amazingly annoying when playing any fighting game, that's why the EO mode was included in those versions, although this game does play online on XBOX. The PS2 and XBOX versions are the best versions but if you have a PS2 then you should get it on that, unless you really want online play.