A bargin bin find that will keep you glued for a few hours...but no more than a few hours....
The graphics may not be top notch, the sound is pretty much non-existant unless you count the repeating surf/blues-rock music that repeats constantly. But the value and quality of gameplay is definatly fun!
I found myself glued to this game for a couple of hours this week. Spending some 4 two hour sessions on this game and not getting very far. It brought me back to the past when I first found it in the $20 bargin bin and got equaly frustrated, but still played it for hours!
The gameplay is simple, yet interesting. Developing your own cars is fun, and relativley painless. The only thing you really got to worry about is planning for the future.
The computer is surprisingly fast in it's conquering of the senarios, which can make you go batty on a few missions, but eventually you will get the hang of things.
The music is hypnotising, and I found myself leaving the games 'theme' song on while doing a bit of house work. While its a short repeating tune, it's happy and dosn't get on your nerves. Great 'song writing' if you want to call it that.
An updated 3D version of this game would be fun...but maybe only for me.