Not a bad game, but there are better options on XBLA.
Carcassonne is a boardgame that I have heard many people compare to Catan. Those comparisons are false. Sure they are both European boardgames that have received an XBLA release, but other than that I don't think there is much to compare here. The core game itself just isn't as good as a game like 'Catan' or even 'Ticket To Ride'. Of course, if you are a fan of the boardgame before you download this, then I would highly suggest getting this game. The presentation isn't that great, but it's not all that bad. And I did get some enjoyment out of playing the game over Xbox Live.
Whether you should get this game or not, comes down to one thing: if you have played the boardgame before (and liked it), then get this game. If not, I would recommend checking the demo out first before dropping your money down on this like I did. It's not a bad game, but it's not even close to good enough to pull me away from superior games like 'Catan' and 'Ticket To Ride' when I need to get my online boardgame fix.