Carmageddon on a cell phone is last think I expected.

User Rating: 7.6 | Carmageddon MOBI
Carmageddon on a cell phone is last think I expected.

Back in the days when I used to play good old viscous Carmageddons I remember the loads of fun I used to have. Those games where the revolution of driving and killing games, you used to drive though the game cities smashing cars and collecting weapons just to kill zombie-like people.

I never reviewed a mobile game before, and I really don’t know what to say, Graphics? Well we are talking about cell phones where the size of the screen is quiet small and you can barely see the moving car, so it’s horrible.

Sound? They apparently lift the audio files from a previous version of the game and stick on this game files, so its not that sophisticated because your talking about a mobile speaker not your 5.1 Dolby Subwoofer.

Unlike the PC or previous Playstation versions of Carmageddon this game looks like many mini games all combined together, you play a championship and by completing it you unlock another championship.

The game offers a variety of game mode: Keep the flag, destruction derbies, and normal races and some other modes
and you always race against 3 cars.

By winning championship you win points which you use later to upgrade your vehicle, you might use them to upgrade your speed, damage, acceleration or armor, which can help you in playing even better.

The control aren’t so hard to use, you just need to know when to brake and when you should stop accelerating …

This game will keep you entertain for a good long while.