MAX IS BACK, and Thank God it's not terrible

User Rating: 7 | Carmageddon: Max Damage PS4

To the casual gamer who may pick this title up without playing or having any prior knowledge of the franchise, chances are they will either love it or hate it. However, to true Carma fan's, especially the ones there since it's inception, it will be loved, or at least respected. The nostalgia, the carnage, the juvenile humor: C:MD has it in spades. Lot's of old faces return, while some welcomed newcomers join the frey. Long gone are the mundane, passive/aggressive AI of Carma's past, C:MD's AI are calculating, ruthless, and relentless, making for sheer chaos and some pretty gnarly dogfights. The environments are pretty, and the pedestrian cannon fodder is truly amazing, Endless splattering of blood and gibs have never looked so... messy.

Draw backs from the game are as follows: some of the game types get a bit repetitive after time, the handling/physics are questionable at times (certain vehicle's handling/physics are VERY questionable all the time), and the next-gen graphics aren't on par with other next-gen games, but that's just being nitpicky.

All in all, a solid title that should please anyone who has ever prayed to have a decent Carmageddon game on console. It took nearly 20 years, but it happened, and it was worth it.