Best Racing Series.... ever!
What sets Carmageddon apart from your typcial racer is the fact you get to 1) blow up your opponents by means of force or weird weapons; 2) get to run over stupid watchers just to be cruel and sick; 3) just cruise around a very open city and explore everything. I mean, you know you have a winner when you can ram through a football stadium and "tackle" everyone in sight with your car!
Game also features some highly addictive multiplayer that will keep you coming for more. Since this is an older game, it's also harder for a "today's gamer" to get their hands on it and go to town. There's no photo realistic graphics but there's some graphic images instead.
Pushed the censorship with it's in-your-grandma's-face gore; Great racing game; Actually highly addictive multiplayer; Great sounds/graphics for back then; classic game.
No language filter, although not much of it; Some graphic issues with today's higher end computers.
Just a pure classic. I hope this series pulls itself back together and get's even more gross than ever! Just never, ever release another N64 version of that game.