XL actually ends up a decent game
XL really supprised me.
What I liked:
New modes such as arcade and Training,
The issue where all the CPU players gang up on the human player has been fixed.
Hit detection is much better
More stages,
The addition of Johnny Bravo,Kevin Levin, Hos Delgado, Him and Aku as playable characters.
New Synergy attacks
What I did not like:
Controls are still a little clunky
Characters such as Number 1 seem to have been nerfed (weakened)
Statistics in the bio section are inaccurate (example bubbles has 1/5 power but she is actually one of the stronger characters in the game)
Gwen is not playable
The addition of Young Ben, Toiletnator, and the scottsman
I recommend this game to Cartoon Network Fans who also enjoy Brawl or kids who are not into Nintendo Characters.
As for the characters missing. CN would not allow them in this game seemingly. (although they let them appear in all those other crappy games)
Also the Ed's would be pretty hard to emulate in this party/fighter.
Gameplay: Average
Music: Average
Fun: Above Average
Graphics: Average