Castle Crashers.... Simply A Classical Style, Jaw Dropping Game.
User Rating: 10 | Castle Crashers X360
Okay, I'm a little freaked out at the fact I'm actually giving a game released in this decade a ten.. I mean come on A TEN!!, I'm a hard guy to please. Anyways enough with my amazement... A TEN!, okay sorry about that. Okay really Castle Crashers is made by a company called Behemoth now if you're not familiar with this company go play some Newgrounds games or find a copy of Alien Hominid it's just simply brilliant, now Castle Crashers is a game that you can literally get lost in and if you're an old gamer like myself who still enjoys the olden days of Battletoads then you will feel right at home with this title. Firstly let me just state that this game gave me old childhood memories of waking up in the morning turning on my Super Nintendo and playing Battletoads, however Castle Crashers is obviously not as hard as Battletoads but still nearing the awesomeness level of intensity. Now! it's finally time I'd started actually talking about the game, Firstly you start off the game at the title screen (Of course) and get to select from four starting characters, They are all the exact same just different colors so no need to really describe them. But once you load the game up and start getting in you're greeted by some purely awesome cheery beer chugging music, although sadly enough it's ruined in a split second by a fellow Crusader (What can I say they look like the Crusaders from medieval times) bursting through a door and hurtling down a flight of stairs, once this happens all your comrades grab their blades and yell "Slass Til Vi Nar Valhalla" (No they actually don't) and head off to battle. Okay so you're left behind to read up on your combat skills so you at least know how to play, but once you got all that knocked up the real action starts. Da dum da, starting the actual level of the game is pretty cool, it shows you how to play, let's you find your first secret, and by the end of the three level tutorial you'll have kissed your first princess!.... Yeah you heard me right, the whole goal of the game is to collect four kisses from Princess' at this time you may just think our hero is a pimp.... Okay he probably is, BUT NOT THE POINT! the game play is still hilarious, fun and old school so theirs plenty of fun and enjoyment to be found in this game.
I would also like to point out the boss fights are fun as Niflheimr and at times a little challenging, oh and since we're on the category of challenging I might as well mention that the game is a tad on the easy side, but once you complete the game you get the option to play it on Insane difficulty, I have a level seventy character and he's still struggling at the desert level.
Hmm you know I can't really think of much else to rate this game on, The graphics and art style and cheery and fun to look at, it has the Behemoth hilarity to it so that's all fine and dandy. The game play is complete, all there, and overall fun alone or with four other friends. Levels vary and differentiate the experience so it's not repetitive.
Well I have to say this is actually the best game I've played in a long time, I hope when I get Prototype tomorrow I can change what I just wrote here, oh well Gipta I guess.
Last note: If you love side scrolling action RPG awesomeness or just Battletoads then get this game, It's only a Ten dollar purchase on Xbox live marketplace and it's well worth the money. Let's hope Behemoth makes more games.