The Castle of Dr Brain was an Adventure-Puzzle game. Basically you start at the gates of the castle of Dr. Brain and must figure out a certain puzzle before going forward. The graphics were well drawn for it's time and full of detail. It was in first person perspective and was slide show style like the first Myst game. The sound was lacking in music but had decent sound effects. The puzzles had a good variety as not to get repetitve or boring and for me at the age of probably 13 when I first played it they weren't very tough. The puzzles picked up on familiar themes such as hangman, constalations, and one was a jigsaw puzzle room (where you put the room together. kind of sureal). The hardest puzzle was probably the cypher puzzle but you can eventually poke your way through that one even if you are not good at cypher solving. A handy feature of the game was the hint system. Basically you were given a certain number of hint coins and when you got stuck you had the option of using one to give you a hint on how to solve the puzzle at hand. I got some replay value out of it but after a while you become so familiar with the puzzles that you lose interest. I suggest this game to anyone who's looking for an oldschool experience in this genre and doesn't mind that these "brain teasers" are a tad on the easy side.