Castle of Illusion on the Sega Master System is an 8-bit platformer that is NOT a port of the Sega Genesis game of the same title. That being said, they are very similar in theme. Judging this Castle of Illusion on its own reveals it to be a really high quality platformer on a system that is filled with high quality platformers. It has really colorful and distinct environments and tight controls. The art style and animation really bring this game to life and feels very appropriate for a quality Disney title. The game is certainly designed for a younger audience with its generally easy difficulty (especially considering the difficulty level most 8-bit platformers were tuned to). Overall, every Master System owner should experience this game. I've seen some view this as the best platformer on the system, I don't know if I agree on that accolade, but wouldn't hesitate to say that this is one of the best for sure.
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