Before Sonic it was Castle of Illusion...
Mickey Mouse must save Minnie that has been kidnapped by the witch Mizrabel (which is in fact the same witch from Snow White) & taken to the Castle of Illusion.She was jealous of Minnies beauty.
Mickey must gather 7 gems from each of these 5 levels to gain acces to Mizrabel but each gem is protected by the Master of Illusion.When you get all the gems, then Mickey will form a rainbow out of their power & go to Mizrabel chamber where Minnie is held captive.The battle is preety epic.
This game has Actraise graphics or should i say they are similar.The first level of the game, the one in the forest looks very similar with Super Mario World even though SMW was released after this game.At the end of the level you will fight a tree that look similar with Whispy from the Kirby series.At the last part of level 5 the game looks like it was taken from Castlevania 3-Dracula's Curse.So, there are 5 GREAT video-game series corelated to this game:Mario, Castlevania, Actraiser, Kirby & Sonic.
The music is very sweet & there are awesome sound effects, for example, when you pause the game or when Mickey jumps & hits the walls in the 2nd level it makes "highly addictive" sounds.
The gameplay is very similar with Mario:you walk around & jump on wait, & you jump on enemies to bop them & you also collect apples & diamonds along the way.Mickey also has weapons:he can throw appels or marbles at the enemies.When he hits an enemy or bops it, the enemy dissapears & creates sweet audio-visual effects.Yeah, after you've seen dozens of HD stuff now there's nothing impressive anymore "sigh".
There are 3 difficulties:Practice, where you can do only 3 levels in only 5 minutes.Normal mode where normaly the game will take you aprrox 1 hour to complete & Hard difficulty where the time spent will be no longer than 1 hour & a half.With 7 more levels, so with a total of 12 , this game easily deserves a rating of 9/10.
One of the first video games i've ever played in my life-i shall never forget it...