So apparently, Vampires are behind WWI
Gameplay: 8/10
Now, the main catch in this game is the two character system. John Morris controls, well, like a true pimp walking Belmont. Stiff, but not at the point of Simon, and he brings a few new tricks to the table, like his Indiana Jones whip grapple swing kick thing. Overall, he controls well, but he really could use to take a page from Eric Lecarde, as more often than not, you'll find yourself trying to give skeletons, zombies, bats, and various spiky objects a hug.
Eric, on the other hand, controls completely differently. Although still stiff, he's much more versatile, and much easier to use. And that makes enough sense, since he brings a whole slew of new tricks into the game, from a pole vault to a spear twirl.
Enemies are classic CV enemies, although with a creative twist, more often than not. The game does seem to flip flop between overly easy and frighteningly hard, which can throw the player off guard. Tricky platform sections force the players to hone their skills. Subweapon's are fun, and the "Super" attack abilities are epic.
Graphics: 7/10
Even at that time period, the graphics are a bit lack luster. Enemies and Characters lack a certain shine to them, although many fun little details were added to the enemies. Harpies lose their heads, little troll things flinch and guard when hit, and many foes will react appropriately to being attacked. Backgrounds are, while creative, often dull (although rarely repetitive). Overall, they really could have had some extra work.
Sound: 7/10
Creative and original, but again, lacking a certain shine to it. Certain tracks, like Iron Blue Intention will stick in your mind, but many tracks, like the boss battle themes and the Leaning towers will be lost to memory.
Story: 8/10
Very creative, very well done. It would take a very creative mind to make such a story from Bram Stoker's book, and, for the most part, it turned out quite well. I do have a bit of an issue with John being 2 years old, traveling the world (on his own) and watching daddy die, though.
Replay Value: 7/10
Two characters greatly add to replay, and players won't quickly grow bored of the many tricks and turns this game offers. However, identical stories, and identical adventures will hurt replay, and eventually, players may only play this game for nostalgia.
Overally, a well made game. Creative, good looking, wont make your ears bleed, although you just can't shake a feel that its missing something. Just remember, though, this game tells the truth about WWI, when no one else would.