How to make a 2-d adventure game.

User Rating: 9.1 | Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow DS
I got interested in the Castlevania series when Symphony of the Night was originally released for the Playstation. I thought that game was remarkable and Dawn of Sorrow eclipses it. I always go into Castlevania games wondering how it will keep my interest since most games are 3D and so much more technically advanced. There are so many factors contribute to the overall experience. The graphics are nicely done with diverse enemies and everything has a nice level of detail considering the Nintendo DS’s capabilities. The pacing is very nice in that every time you defeat a boss you usually gain an ability that unlocks some other part of the castle. You will find yourself forging ahead long after you should be in bed because you want to get to that next piece of the map. The more time you put in the more powerful you become. The game rewards players who level Soma up. You will gain extra souls that can forge more powerful weapons or be used helping you progress through the game. It will take about 10-20 hours to complete. This is an excellent example of what makes gaming great. As a side note if you are a collector I think this game, like most Castlevania games will be hard to come by in the future. If you can locate the strategy guide to complement the game I think you will a have nice package that will hold its value.