Best Side Scroller Action/RPG game at the moment for the DS.

User Rating: 8.8 | Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow DS
This was my first Castlevania game. I have been looking for a while for a good RPG to play and sadly couldn't find one that appealed to me. (Lunar Dragon Song turned out to be a flop, and Mario and Lugi isn't the type of RPG I am looking for as it isn' to say this.. RPGish despite it being an RPG. Such as not having traditional RPG spells and such. Anyway about Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow.

I settled with Castlevania as it was an Action/Adventure game, but you could gain experience from fighting NPC's. So even if there were a little backtracking in the game, it would only make your character stronger. When I bought this game, I figured it would be sort of like a side scrolling devil may cry game. (Which wouldn't be bad).

I found the game quite addicting and even though I am not familair with the Castlevania Games, this game has peaked my interest and I am currently considering whether or not to buy the prequel for the GBA.

The gameplay is mainly hack and slash. You will be able to use different weapons along the way, but they don't matter too much. The different weapons are different in the speed and power of each, but not enough in my opinion. I used the strongest (and slowest) weapon and didn't run into any problems.

Gameplay: While the game is hack and slash, you do a lot of movement to avoid attacks, so the game isn't too monotonous.

The Map of the game slowly expands as you explore the different levels of the game (all which can be revisited). The map of the game is really just the layout of a huge castle, and there will be certain rooms that allow you teleport to other parts of the castle which is a HUGE help. The only downside to this is you may find yourself backtracking quite a bit to find the next area you are supposed to advance to. Like you may defeat a boss which will bestow upon you a certain skill that allows you to squeeze between an opening in a wall, which is located 3 levels across the castle and you would only know about it if you came across it earlier in your journey or if you just backtracked and did some random searching..

Another unique thing about this game is that for every monster you kill, there is a chance you can absorb their soul and gain one of their abilities. Bosses will always drop their souls, but random NPC's only drop their souls by chance. So if you find yourself wanting the ability to shoot lighting, you may find yourself killing the NPC that can shoot lighting multiple times, before gaining the ability to get its soul. (This of course gets easier as you aquire certain items and level up.)

Story: You don't really have to play the other Castlevania games to enjoy this game as their isn't too much character development or complex plots, although there is a twist here and there. If you are a fan of the Castlevania series, you will enjoy it alot more since the characters in this game are from the previous games.

Graphics and sound: These aren't really a critical part of gaming in my opinion, especially being handheld. You can't have too high expectations considering, but it actually isn't bad at all. For the DS, it is probably the best I have seen at this point in time for it.

Replayability: Ahh..the most important part of buying a game and getting your money's worth. I can honestly say that this offers a good replayability feature if you enjoyed the first run through. Another thing that is unlocked once you beat the game (yes their are other things) is a mode called Boss Rush Mode, which allows you to fight all the Bosses where your goal is to defeat them one after another as fast as you can.

Multiplayer: Not much can be said about this. If your bought this for the multiplayer, you will be disappointed in my opinion, although I have played it myself. You can trade souls you have captured with someone else (not too bad) or you can create custom levels and RACE another player on foot to the end and whoever reaches the end win...kinda lame in my opinion, but who knows. I wish the game could have been made Co-op...

Rent or Buy?: Buy this if you are a DS owner and are looking for a good Action/RPG type game as this at the moment is probably the best one out.