A smooth playing Side-Scroller that will appeal to gamers of many genres.

User Rating: 8.3 | Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow DS
For me, the Castlevania license was always the 3D line I came to know and love for the N64. Whips, Werewolves, and crystal save points were what I knew of the series. Though now being older and more informed of the history of Video Games, I came to know of a massive line of titles, that started as supposedly one of the greatest 2D platformers of all time, and thats certainly were Dawn of Sorrow comes from. The game at its most basic core, is simply a fun, but basic Side-Scroller. But where Castlevania DS shines, is in the layers of additives to a classic SS scroller formula that make this game what it is. The game features the same style cut-scenes you've seen possibly everywhere. Anime style still characters (with occasional facial expression changes) with text dialogue (Sans the intro animation, which is drawn in the same style as all the other Dawn of Sorrow art, and is, well, animated). The graphics match that of what I have seen of the original Castlevanias on PSone, which isn't a bad thing for this type of game, and unlike a lot of 2D side-scrollers, this game doesn't really feature any special efx that are improved from the original graphic formula, which as I have stated, is not a problem. To the most important aspect of any game- the gameplay. The game features your typical hack-n'-slash fare, tossing in different weapons you are able to find or purchase. There are also some ranged main weapons featured in the game, but since this is Castlevania, you will see and probably use an assortment of knives/daggers, short/long swords, axes and spears. In addition to these weapons, you have 3 categories of Tactical Souls which can be equipped, Bullet - usually thrown items/weapons or summoned creatures, Guardian - Special moves that come in different forms. Some can be used as attacks, others as abilities, and Enchantment - Involuntary abilities which don't have to be commanded, but are always in use. Tactical Souls also can be used to upgrade weapons. Generally, the weapon it is upgraded to can be later purchased or found, but if you have the TS needed, it saves your the money and hassle. Another feature found in this game is the Leveling. Common place to those who have played turn based RPGs, in which you gain levels through attacking enemies and the like. The game also features a fair amount of puzzle solving. Usually it is just finding the right Magic Seal or getting the right Tactical Soul to get through something though.