Konami makes an excellent attempt to put a double pack of two rare GBA games, and actually succeeds. The graphics in both games are perfect, from the opening sequences to the character animations. The music is of high caliber, using a mix of organ music and modern-day rock music. The sounds make excellent use of the GBA's sound processor, with tons of voice clips and very realistic sound effects. The controls in both games are very tight and quite suitable for almost every gamer. Asides from the main quest of both games, there's an excellent amount of unlockables, multiple endings and the occasional urge to get 100% of the castle map completes. The soul-capture system in Aria of Sorrow gives this double pack even more replay value. The Castlevania Double Pack is, by far, the best double pack seen on the GBA to date.
This...um...I mean THESE games are awesome! Two games in one cartridge following the awesome storyline of Castlevania. Both are GREAT games and I recommend you try them out. The first one, HoD is pretty easy, but you w... Read Full Review
This double pack may very well be the best value in gaming right now. Both Harmony of Dissonance and Aria of Sorrow are rare games. To have them both on a single cart for $30 you can't go wrong. For a GBA game the gr... Read Full Review